GeoAcuity partners with Continental Mapping for statewide asset inventory of California highways

GeoAcuity is excited to be on the Continental Mapping Consultants team selected by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to map right-of-way asset data using lidar and 360-degree ground-based imagery across all state maintained roads in California. The team will collect, extract, and host transportation features (signs, barriers, guardrails, etc..) as well as support an interactive, cloud-based geospatial data solution for asset monitoring and data accessibility.


"We are really looking forward to working on this project with Continental Mapping” says GeoAcuity CEO, Dr. Jason Knowles This project is a top priority for us and leverages our combined expertise in data collection and creating easy to use mapping solutions”.


What comes next: mapping after the Californian wildfires


GeoAcuity supports multi-agency drone task force in the aftermath of California wildfires